
Welcome to the European Population Conference 2010 in Vienna!

The European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) and the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) are pleased to welcome you at the EPC 2010. The conference will convene at the impressive main building of the University of Vienna, Austria.

The EPC is a general conference covering many themes related to population studies but each conference also has a special focus. “Population and Environment” is the special topic for the EPC 2010 as we consider the interactions between global climate change and demographic trends to be among the greatest challenges of our modern times. The logo reflects this thematic focus by combining the current age pyramid of the EU-27 with a tree, even though the challenge goes far beyond the EU.

The EPC 2010 will start in the afternoon of Wednesday, 1 September 2010, and conclude on Saturday, 4 September 2010. The programme comprises parallel scientific sessions, plenary and poster sessions, side meetings and exhibitions. We are very pleased with the large number of submissions that we received and expect to have around 800 participants at the EPC 2010.

We look forward to welcoming you all in Vienna!

On behalf of the International and Austrian Organising Committees,

François Héran     and     Wolfgang Lutz
EAPS President               VID Director 
                                   Leader of the World Population Program, 

EPC2010 | Local organiser: VID | Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Vienna, Austria | e-mail: epc2010@oeaw.ac.at